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Jesse Mc Lin walks the hallway of his space next to limited-edition experimental pieces under the label Julie & Jesse

Co-founded by designer and artist duo Julie Progin and Jesse Mc Lin, Latitude 22N is a Hong Kong-based design company that dreams up contemporary and creative porcelain dinnerware, home decor, accessories and lighting under the brand Latitude 22N, and beautiful limited-edition and experimental pieces under the label Julie & Jesse. Their sprawling Chai Wan studio is a calming, creativity-filled design space that’s part gallery, part studio.

Left: Julie Progin at her desk. Right: Porcelain creations presented under the label Latitude 22N
Mc Lin in the space’s back studio

‘When we took the space in 2010 it had been a cassette tape factory,’ says Mc Lin. ‘The building was created in 1975, and obviously they ran out of work, which is when we took it over. We had to do massive renovations to get it looking the way it is now. Good lighting was important to us. We also wanted to have a white space so we could see our work out of the context of the studio. It’s also nice to have a space to put on shows, sometimes of other artist’s work.’

But, he adds, ‘While the gallery space part is important to us, it’s essential to have that dirty back part for making too.’

Left: A selection of the duo’s vases. Right: Mc Lin at work in the studio

How would the two describe their design aesthetic? ‘Sometimes people call us minimalist, some people call us modern. It depends a lot on what product you look at. A lot of people look at our products and ask us how many designers we have in our team, so I guess the best way to describe us is eclectic,’ says Progin.

‘It is very eclectic, but we’re very inspired by Hong Kong,” adds Mc Lin. ‘I’d say a modernist Western aesthetic but with Eastern elements mixed in. A dialogue between East and West.”

The gallery space houses limited-edition Julie & Jesse creations

